Property owners, landlords and business entities all share responsibility to protect visitors, workers and guests from sustaining injuries while on their premises. In doing so, they must upkeep the property, provide sufficient security, safety and lighting, or even protection from animals or other people. If you are injured while lawfully on someone else’s property, the owner is liable for any injuries caused by negligence. At Geisleman & Brown LLP, our firm focuses on personal injury claims, employing a broad range of skills and litigation experience to help you seek adequate damages.

At Geisleman & Brown, our firm focuses on personal injury claims, employing a broad range of skills and litigation experience to help you seek adequate damages.
Faulty design, poor construction or substandard building materials, lack of maintenance, or outright carelessness are just some of the causes of premises liability.
Faulty design, poor construction or substandard building materials, lack of maintenance, or outright carelessness are just some of the causes of premises liability. As a result, there are many types of incidents that can occur, including:
- Slip-and-falls
- Trip-and-falls
- Dog bites
- Assault & battery
- Swimming Pool Accidents
The nature of injuries resulting in faulty or unreasonably dangerous premises can range from minor scrapes, cuts, and bruises to life altering injuries or even fatalities. Some of those injured in slip-and-fall or trip-and-fall circumstances will require both emergency and long-term medical attention. Combined with lost wages and physical pain and suffering, injuries can have a dramatic impact on quality of life. Legal action can help to cover the costs of medical bills, income lost from time spent recovering, and other consequences that you may have to cope with.
Time is of the essence when obtaining the necessary proof of negligence in these types of accidents. Often times, a property owner will rush to make changes or fix the property before another accident occurs. Thus, the evidence supporting your claim may quickly disappear. It is important to document the unsafe conditions at the property by taking photos or filing a complaint or report with the owner as soon as possible.
Geisleman & Brown Can Help
Even common accidents such as slip-and-falls can present unique challenges and legal issues. Through our expertise and diligent research, we will start by identifying if your injuries were caused by the following:
- The property had unsafe or dangerous conditions, which caused the injury
- The person responsible for maintaining the property knew the dangerous condition existed
- There was plenty of time for the dangerous condition to be repaired or for warnings to be posted, but the owner failed to do so
- Adequate security was not available
- The owner violated building safety codes or maximum occupancy laws
- Proper safety equipment was present
If you have been injured in a premises-related accident by the actions of an uncontrolled animal, then you will most likely need an attorney to obtain a fair recovery. Contact the Geisleman & Brown LLP attorneys at 260-420-2001 for a free consultation to get the answers you deserve and an initial assessment of your claim. We represent all clients on a contingency basis, which means that we charge no fee unless we win a recovery on your behalf.
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